Have you ever had a perfect day? The kind of day you might have actually been apprehensive about and then it arrives and everything just happens in this beautiful, magical way and you feel like you are gliding seamlessly from one incredible moment to the next? Yeah, me neither. Until last Friday. 

Our wedding day was perfect. In every way. Mostly due to the incredible efforts and organisation of friends and family but also because it was so much more than catering, a venue, the band, and the outfits. We woke up in a love bubble that day and were carried through the day surrounded by the most beautiful collection of loving humans we are privileged to call family and friends. Everywhere we turned that day were faces smiling back at us with nothing but joy and happiness on their faces. Our love was reflected.

The big blue sky of Australia is something I never really appreciated until I had travelled and lived overseas. That first step back on Australian soil and glancing towards the sky has an immediate heart and mind opening effect on me. Its broad expanse seems to fill me up. On our wedding day, the sky was enormous. A beautiful, cerulean canvas on which a hundred memories would be painted across its backdrop. I walked down the aisle towards a scene and a man so beautiful I had to turn around and start again. 

Magro and I used our day as a way to express love for each other and those we love in every possible way. That was our intention. We wanted everyone to experience our love, and for their own loves to be considered, remembered and treasured. We wanted a party that would bring all of our people together. We wanted movement, irreverence, laughter, tears, honesty, inclusivity and really sore feet at the end of it all. 

There was always an urgency about this wedding because I have cancer and our time together is limited. It is silly to pretend otherwise and it’s worth mentioning because everyone who came along understood the brief. Every guest played their part in our vision. By the end of the weekend, new friendships had been formed, great conversations had been had and most importantly, connection was everywhere…my new found meaning in life. 

Laughter and joy through tears is really one of a human’s most beautiful expressions of emotion. We filled bins with the amount of tissues used and the laughter was the loudest sound on the day. Our most joyful day. Just so bloody JOYFUL.


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17 thoughts on “Oh what a perfect day!

  1. So much joy! And love πŸ’• and connection. So grateful to have been a part of it and to witness your love for each other and everyone there xox

  2. I remember the day when you met Chris and said that it feels like an Mills and Boon partnership. The pictures from your wedding day shows the love that you have for each other. Love you both.

  3. They say a picture paints a thousand words… in this case, I saw thousands of pictures and they painted that one word – JOY!! So elated for you both to have this magical experience. Buttsy xx

  4. Ayelet Ashkar says:

    Thanks for inviting me to open my heart and feel all these emotions and colours of pure love and joy. Big hug to you all πŸŒˆβ€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ

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